Wednesday 26 August 2015

Summerslam: Team Bad vs Team Bella vs Team PCB

Summerslam: Team Bad vs Team Bella vs Team PCB

This post may seem negative, but this divas match was far from great. The fact that it followed one of the best women's wrestling matches WWE has ever produced, made it worse. It was also in front of many of the same crowd and I can't blame them for not being interested. The match was a mess. It wasn't completely down to the girls, as the match set up was bound to end up like this, but either way, not one of them brought their A game.
I get that Sasha has an excuse, so I'll let her off. Tamina is consistently a botchfest, so there's no point in grilling her. Naomi performed the best out of team Bad, and honestly the whole team didn't get enough time to shine, but still, she underperformed. The Bella's were average, Fox was good, but not great. Paige was okay. Charlotte was okay. Becky was okay. Okay is not good enough. No one had any reason to care about this match. Not one. Not a single ounce of storyline development over the last five weeks. It's infuriating. The end of the match was honestly ridiculous. A suplex? Really? Becky couldn't think of a better move? I honestly have no idea where they plan on going with this, but I'm assuming conflict between Team PCB, maybe a Charlotte heel turn? Who knows honestly.
I'm kinda over it with them thinking a lengthly match can replace any sort of story. These girls need characters and something to work with. Bayley and Sasha was so good, not only because of the in ring work, but the story telling. They had an actual storyline with depth. It's not complicated. It doesn't need to be. But some sort of story needs to be established, and I feel that the whole team thing is just holding it back. But at the same time, loosing the teams, means that certain divas will loose screen time, and we all know it won't be Charlotte, Paige, Sasha or the Bella's. They need to make side feuds and concentrate on creating a character for every single diva.

The most frustrating thing is that this storyline could have been so good. I would have loved this match to be like the Wrestlemania 30 invitational match. And since they're trying to erase anything AJ's done, then I guess it kinda fits. Honestly though, The Bella Twins don't deliver. They don't. I don't care what any fan says, they don't have characters,  they are bland and they are boring. I am far from an AJ fan, in fact I very much disliked her, but she had a character, and kept the fans interested. Unfortunately, Nikki Bella will never be a patch on AJ. It's hard to say. I love Nikki. I prefer her to AJ in every way. She's great in the ring and she looks amazing, but she just has absolutely no charisma, and this entire reign has been so forced and inconsistent. Her reign has been one of the worst and how people are saying she's the best divas champion ever is laughable. It really is. I feel bad for trashing Nikki. It's really not all her fault, especially with the random heel and face turns, but she still takes part of the blame. The girl needs to learn how to be a heel. Like seriously. She needs to take a look at Sasha.
As for the match, I was extremely dissappointed. I will have to give it a score of 6/10.

Thank you for reading.


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