Thursday 28 May 2015

Elimination Chamber: My Predictions

Elimination Chamber: My Predictions

So far this year Elimination Chamber is the PPV I'm most excited for. This match could go in the so many different directions and that only makes me more excited. I would love to see Naomi pick up the win in this match, however I think Nikki Bella will retain her championship, even though it pains me to say it. Due to the fact that Paige was beaten by Tamina on Raw and Naomi was beaten by Paige on Smackdown, I think that Tamina will superkick Paige outside of the ring after Naomi connects the Rear View to Nikki Bella, stopping her from breaking up the pin. However, Nikki will kick out anyway and role Naomi up for the win. After the match I believe Naomi will blame Tamina for her loss, and slap her, leading to a brawl between the two. I think this will lead to a fatal fourway at Money In The Bank. I think Nikki will cling onto the title until Summerslam, breaking AJ's reign length. We all know WWE are that petty. However, I really hope I'm wrong, and she looses it on Sunday. There's no need for her to hold it any longer, she's not even the focus of the storyline. I really hope the match is at least 12 minutes long, and it exceeds it's expectations. This match has so much potential, and all the women involved have great chemistry together.

My Final prediction for the triple threat on Sunday at Elimination Chamber is that Nikki Bella will retain her championship by pinning Naomi. I think it will get 12 minutes, and will be a solid match.

Thank you for reading.

-- @DivaFreakk

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