Thursday 28 May 2015

NXT: Emma vs Bayley

NXT: Emma vs Bayley

The feud between Bayley and Emma seems to have almost run its course. The matches that have been produced between these two women have been consistent, and filled with character development. Emma playing the heel role is something I never thought I'd see, and definitely not see  done well, however she has proved me wrong. The aggression she shows in these matches, particularly with Bayley, really tells the story, however I wish she had turned heel for a more legitimate reason. I'm still anxious to see how they plan on translating this new character onto the main roster, however for now I'm enjoying her new persona exclusively on NXT. This match got a decent amount of time, however I wish it could have gone on a bit longer, as being a relatively short match for the NXT women, there wasn't really enough time for any impressive spots. The match lacked any sort of high spot due to its shortness, however the story telling after the match made up for it. Dana Brooke being at ring side didn't really add anything to the match, and I'm slightly confused as to what this alliance actually is, and why they are friends. Dana needs some urgent guidance by the creative team as to what her character actually represents, as currently she just seems to flex her muscles and walk around aimlessly. Overall, even though I enjoyed the tag team match at NXT: Unstoppable, I believe the feud between Bayley and Emma needs to end, unless something else happens to fuel the storyline. Emma can't keep attacking Bayley for so long for no particular reason. I am not really looking forward to the Charlotte and Dana feud, as I really don't think Charlotte is a believable babyface, and I pray they bring her to the main roster as a heel.

Alex's Bliss was also a prominent part of this episode of NXT, and personally I am finding her new heel character very interesting. I was very surprised to see her turning heel last week but I am very happy about it, as her cute fairy act was getting old. I think this new role means Alexa will appear on screen more regularly and will increase her credibility. However, personally I think in order to get over as a heel, Alexa needs mic time, as at this point we have no idea what sort of character she is playing. I am also anxious as to how Alexa will work in the ring as a heel, as she isn't the most experienced worker on the roster and has never played this role before.

Overall, this was a pretty average episode of NXT. To me, the highlight of the show was Alexa's involvement in the tag team match. For the Emma and Bayley match, I wasn't too impressed by it, however it was decent, it just lacked time. So overall I will give the match 5/10.

Thank you for reading.

-- @DivaFreakk

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