Friday 29 May 2015

Elimination Chamber: Fantasy Booking

Elimination Chamber: Fantasy Booking

I've already posted my predictions for the outcome of this match, which state that Nikki Bella will retain her championship tomorrow at Elimination Chamber. I decided to make this post because, as I stated in my predictions post, there are so many possible directions this match can go in. My fantasy booking is obviously extremely unlikely to take place, but I would love to see it happen.

The match will obviously consist of Tamina and probably Brie Bella being at ringside, which means some sort of interference is bound to take place, which is what my fantasy booking is focused on. I would like the match to begin with a brawl between Naomi and Paige, leading to Nikki taking control of the match. I want Nikki's control to end by her putting Naomi in the rack attack position, but being kicked by Paige before managing to carry it out. I then want Paige to do the 'Rampaige' on Nikki, and Brie to break-up the pin. Even though the Bella's are arguably Babyface now, I still think Brie will get involved. I then want Naomi to take control by kicking Paige out of the ring and focusing on Nikki. I want Nikki to then regain control and perform the rack attack on Naomi. The first involvement by Tamina will be her taking Brie out with a super kick, in order to distract Nikki from pinning Naomi. Naomi will then kick out when Nikki finally goes for the pin. At the end of the match I want Paige to take Tamina out on the outside of the ring, only to then be taken out by Alicia Fox, who runs down the ring. I want Nikki to be distracted by Alicia's presence and get the rear view from Naomi. Tamina then pulls Nikki until her head is sticking out from under the bottom rope and Alicia connects the scissor kick. Naomi then pins Nikki for the three count and wins the title.

Even though this 100% won't happen, Alicia, Tamina and Naomi is a stable I would love to see. The next night on Raw I would like Alicia to cut a promo about how she, Naomi and Tamina are fed up of being overlooked and plan on taking over the division. I would love this to lead to Naomi vs Tamina vs Alicia vs Paige vs Nikki vs Brie at Money in the Bank.

Thank you for reading.

-- @DivaFreakk

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