Monday 1 June 2015

Elimination Chamber: Paige vs Naomi vs Nikki Bella

Elimination Chamber: Paige vs Naomi v
s Nikki Bella

Okay. So to start off, since when does the champion not come out last? Do they just do this for the divas? Ugh. I don't get it.
So my prediction for this match was that Naomi would be pinned by Nikki, which I was right about. However I also predicted that the match would get 12 minutes. Yes, I know it was a stretch, but it's a triple threat. I thought they would be generous. But yet again, the timing disappointed me. The match itself has been getting pretty bad reviews on websites and Twitter, however in my opinion,  the match was decent. It has been described as messy and botchy, but I didn't pick up on anything that I thought was particularly bad. I was disappointed by Tamina and Brie not being at ringside, however it made the match the most important part which was good. There were no distractions. The match seemed pretty regular to me. There were two impressive spots; the tower of doom and Naomi's backwards frankensteiner, but being so close to Becky and Sasha's 15 minute one on one match, didn't help the match look any better. It just highlighted the utter lack of respect these women get. They could have easily made the match 15 minutes. Paige and Nikki have had longer one on one matches. All three women involved are very talented and are 3 of the best all round wrestlers on the roster, yet they can't even be given more than a 10 minute slot. Ridiculous.

Overall this match disappointed me. For a Divas match it was average length I suppose, but I was expecting so much more out of it, well, at least some sort of storyline development. In my opinion, Naomi needed this win badly. I don't have a clue why the title is still on Nikki, the most irrelevant diva out of the three. I just don't get it. Don't get me wrong, I think Nikki is great, but it's not going great for her. I genuinely think they're planning on making her beat AJs reign. It's going to be painful to watch the division dry up even more than it is now. I think this match could have been sooooo much better, but I will give it a score of 7/10.

Thank you for reading.


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