Monday 21 September 2015

Night Of Champions: Charlotte vs Nikki Bella (w)

Night Of Champions: Charlotte vs Nikki Bella (w)

Last night we crowned a new divas champion, and hopefully this will begin a string of new challengers and feuds. Nikki has improved substantially in the ring over this last year, and has been the main focus of the divas division, but some fresh faces in the title picture is something I, along with most fans, would like to see. Charlotte wouldn't have been my first choice for this win, and I certainly think this should have hapened at the next PPV, but I will not look at it as a negative thing. Charlotte is clearly good in the ring, however her character is still lacking for me. Hopefully she can feud with someone who can substitute for her lack of character, such as Naomi or Sasha Banks. For me, I would love to see Naomi take the belt from Charlotte. Ideally, we could get Nikki vs Charlotte vs Naomi at Hell In A Cell, and have Charlotte go on to face Naomi after that. 
The match we got last night was very psychological and really highlighted Nikki's ability to work on a specific area. Charlotte sold the injury very well, even to the extent of some people thinking it was legit. The overall match was very impressive, I must say. It may have been slow paced, but there was great storyline told during it, which is amazing, considering they've had very little storyline to work with. Although, I didn't like the fact that Charlotte got little, to no offence and got the stereotypical babyface win, which a lot of people don't like. I think the match could have been a little more equalised in order to get a good, steady speed, rather than the choppy, constant slow pace Nikki took it in. Even with that said, the match was definitely one of the best of the year, on the main roster at least, and both women should be very proud.

So, tonight on Raw there are many possibilities on what could happen, but personally I'm not expecting anything extravagant. A Paige heel turn is still definitely on the cards, and Nikki's rematch could take place, but I'm expecting Charlotte to get a singles win, in a decent length match against Naomi, or Alicia, just to put her over as champ. 
Overall, I thought the Divas Title match was very impressive, and therefore I will give it a score of 9/10.

Thank you for reading.


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