Wednesday 2 September 2015

Raw: Becky Lynch vs Alicia Fox, Charlotte vs Brie Bella, Paige vs Sasha Banks

Raw: Becky Lynch vs Alicia Fox, Charlotte vs Brie Bella, Paige vs Sasha Banks

So Raw this week was pretty interesting. We had the first ever Divas Beat The Clock challenge, but to say it was underwhelming is probably an understatement. I really like the idea of having this new stipulation, but the matches really didn't have to be that short. We could have gotten three, six or seven minute matches, but the times we got were not only unrealistic, but extremely predictable. I'm honestly okay with Charlotte going against Nikki. She wouldn't have been my first pick, but at least the title is being defended. I can see the title match going either way, but I'm definitely expecting a heel turn from Paige, and I am so ready for it. I've never liked Paige as a face. Too boring. But heel Paige is the Paige I loved. I really miss the creepy character she had in the AJ feud, and I feel like over the last few months she's lost a lot of what made her interesting, and she definitely needs to be re-packaged. I can also see Paige costing Charlotte the match, or attacking her after she's won the title. I'm okay with the heel turn, but a Charlotte and Paige feud is something I can live without. I would prefer Charlotte to just lose cleanly and let Naomi pick up the title at Hell In A Cell. Maybe Paige and Charlotte can start a side feud, but I would prefer the title to stay out of it. 
So, the first match we got this week was Alicia Fox vs Becky Lynch. We all knew what the outcome would be, which made me lose interest half way through. I thought the match was unnecessarily short and I was really hoping for Becky's opponent to be one of the girls that we haven't seen in a while, like Nattie, Emma or Cameron. I thought that was definitely a missed opportunity.  
On to the match. I can't say it was bad, but it was nothing special at all. After just watching it for a second time I can't think of anything I liked about it. There's not really much to say. It felt like a step back in the whole 'revolution'. 
Before the match Nikki Bella cut a promo about becoming the longest reigning divas champion, and introduced the 'Bella Tron'. I thought this was a pretty cool idea and I can't really bash Nikki's mic skills. Her promos are always boring but she isn't particularly bad.

Overall, I will have to give the match a low score of 5/10.

Next up was Charlotte vs Brie Bella. Once again, the outcome was obvious, the match was too short and Charlotte should have had a different oponent. I know for a fact that Emma was backstage. We've seen this match a number of times now and I think it was only common sense to have one of the other divas job to Charlotte. This match, again was unnecessarily short and made Brie look weak, but I am glad to see Charlotte using the Natural Selection again. 

This match had very little wrestling and it definitely didn't do anything for me. I will give it a score of 3/10.

Finally, we had Paige vs Sasha Banks, which we saw only a couple weeks ago. I had the same problems with this match as the other two, however out of the three, this was the best. It was fast pace and it actually told a story, that being that Paige was desperate to pin Sasha as quickly as possible. Throughout the match there was a sense of urgency, which I liked.

Overall, even though this match was short, I was impressed. This was the first match in a while where I have been entertained by Paige, which hopefully means she's working her way back to her usual standard, and hopefully she's turning heel. I will give this match a score of 6/10.

We also got Lana and Summer Rae this week. I have been so impressed with Summer. She has really taken this role and run with it. I loved that this storyline has ventured out of the PG zone and it was really giving me attitude era vibes. It was awesome. Lana, to me, has got a tad stale. I don't like her as a babyface to be quite honest, and it's like this isn't the Lana we grew to love. It's as if all of her personality has been completely reset, and she's lost all of her fire and become a timid little girl. I don't like it at all.

Thank you for reading.


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