Friday 25 September 2015

Raw: Natalya vs Naomi, Charlotte vs Brie Bella, Natalya's return and Paige's heel turn

Raw: Natalya vs Naomi, Charlotte vs Brie Bella, Natalya's return and Paige's heel turn

So this weeks Raw was a stacked one for the divas. Firstly, we got a great segment from our new Divas Champ Charlotte. With her dad present, Charlotte made a typical babyface promo, thanking her dad, Becky Lynch and eventually Paige. Charlotte says that she's followed in Paige's footsteps and went on to say how Paige was idol etc. This lead to a fully expected heel turn by Paige. I must say, I was very impressed with Paige's mic work here. She called Charlotte a place holder and Becky irrelevant, before insinuating the Bella's success was due to who they're sleeping with. So, overall it was a definitely a great segment, and I think this was definitely the right thing to do with Paige's character.

Next up. Charlotte took on Brie Bella in a pretty good match. I found it to be too slow for my liking, and I got a bit bored half way through. It was very similar to the match on Sunday. Very focused on the leg, and submission based. Of course, Charlotte picked up the victory.

As I already said, I found this match quite tedious, and therefore I will give it a score of 6/10.

On Raw we also got Natalya vs Naomi, in what I thought was a great match. It was so nice to see Nattie on TV again, and it's great to see that it looks like she's getting involved in a storyline. Nattie and Naomi have always had great chemistry, so to no surprise, this was a good match. 

I thought this match was very good, and I'm looking forward to seeing Nattie more often. I will give this match a score of 7/10.

Thank you for reading.


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