Thursday 2 July 2015

NXT: Carmella vs Emma, Eva Marie, Sasha Banks

NXT: Carmella vs Emma, Eva Marie

There are so many positive things to say about the divas on NXT this week. First off, I love the new remix of Emma's theme tune. It sounds so much better than the original and really portrays more of a heel vibe. I also thought both Emma and Carmella looked amazing. I loved their gear and their hair and their make up. Everyone looked great. The match itself was pretty good. Carmella still showed signs of inexperience, but she's improving constantly. Emma is also seemingly more comfortable as a heel now, which is good. She seems to be perfecting her heel mannerisms and how to walk and talk like a heel. I'm still a little confused as to what her character actually is, and why she's aligned with Dana, but I'm kinda starting to warm to this pairing. I must say, I don't really like Carmella on the mic. Her voice is really high pitched and kinda annoying, but she can already talk better than the majority of the main roster divas that we've seen, so it's okay. 
The match started with Carmella taking control, but she was quickly taken down by Emma with a head scissors. The action was then quickly back and fourth for the next 30 seconds, which I liked. Carmella then held Emma in a head lock on the mat, until Emma ragged her by the hair and regained control. She then threw Carmella into the corner, only for Carmella to hit her to the face with an elbow, and go for a pretty impressive hurricanrana, which gave me major Mickie James vibes. She then clotheslined Emma once and Emma then escaped to the ropes. Whilst Carmella was distracted by the ref, she was kicked to the stomach by Emma and then slammed onto the mat by her hair. Emma went for the pin and Carmella quickly kicked out. Emma then trapped Carmella in the body scissors for quite a while, with Dana screaming "give up" from ring side. After Carmella escaped, control was again regained by Emma and Carmella ended up back in the corner, and received three shoulders to the gut. Carmella began to gain some momentum with a few clotheslines, a thesz press, and a kick to the head. She then slammed Emma into the mat and ran towards her, until she was countered by Emma, who locked in her submission for the win.

Before the match we got a short clip of Eva Marie training. It wasn't anything particularly impressive, but she's clearly miles ahead of where she was before. I feel like she won't be as impressive as people are expecting but we'll have to wait and see.
Later in the show we got a backstage segment between Emma, Dana Brooke and Sasha Banks, which was pretty average. I am really not happy about Sasha being a face, but I kinda understand it, as the main roster is lacking a real babyface diva, other than Paige. I already know what happened at the tapings, so I know this isn't leading to anything between Dana and Sasha, which I'm glad about.

This was a very good episode of NXT for the divas. I was really impressed with Carmella and Emma in the ring, and I really loved how Dana acted in the backstage segment. Dana is impressing me, and I don't get how people are negatively talking about her when she's so new. I will give the match a score of 7/10. I'm hoping we get more weeks like this in the future.

Thank you for reading.


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