Sunday 12 July 2015

Smackdown: Brie Bella and Alicia Fox vs Naomi and Tamina

Smackdown: Brie Bella and Alicia Fox vs Naomi and Tamina

This week on Smackdown we once again had a match that no one really cared about. It was a step up from Paige vs Brie but that's not saying much. Brie and Alicia came to the ring accompanied by Nikki and then out came Tamina and Naomi. I must say, Tamina was looking really good in the ring during this match. She didn't have much time, as the match was literally 3 minutes long, but from what we saw of her, it looked as if she's made some improvements and extended her move set. I actually really liked the finish of the match too. I thought it was really well set up and executed, but what I really didn't like, was the fact that Alicia got the pin but the Bella's theme tune played. That annoyed me. It annoys me how they are putting Alicia below the Bella's when she is clearly superior. I know it's a ridiculous thing to complain about, but it's something that really sticks in my mind. 

The match began with Brie and Naomi. They locked up and Naomi pushed Brie against the ropes until she was pulled back by the ref. Brie then went on to shove Naomi and received a slap back for it. Brie pounced on Naomi, and then ended up shoving her into the bottom rope, and executed her 'Brie Mode' knee to the face. She went for the pin and Naomi kicked out at two. Tamina was then tagged in and took control. She threw Brie into the corner and went for a corner clothesline, but instead got thrown into the corner herself and received three kicks to the chest from Brie. Brie then attempted a cross body, but was caught by Tamina who then slammed Brie into the mat, which I thought was impressive. Tamina went for the cover and Brie kicked out at two. Tamina continued to hit Brie down to the mat and threw her back to the opposite corner and kicked her in the stomach twice before tagging in Naomi. Naomi then kicked Brie another 5 times to the stomach, dragged her out of the corner and went for a scoop slam, which Brie avoided. Brie, now behind Naomi pushed her to the ground and reached for the tag, but Naomi dragged her back and proceeded to kick her on the mat. She went for her turnbuckle bulldog, but it was again avoided by Brie, and sent Naomi flying into the corner between the ropes. Brie then managed to tag in Alicia, who immediately went for two beautiful drop kicks and a hair pull slam. She then knocked Tamina off the apron, and kicked Naomi right to the head in the corner. Alicia then flung Naomi into the ropes, but Tamina managed to tag in unaware to Alicia. Alicia performed a tilt-a-whirl back breaker on Naomi, and went for the pin, but Tamina had already tagged in. Tamina pulled Alicia from the ground, and hit her to the back before putting her in the position for the Samoan drop. Nikki then stood up on the apron to distract Tamina, whilst Brie entered the ring and pulled Alicia off Tamina's back and pushed her into the ropes, sending Naomi flying, and then out of no where, Alicia hit the Scissor Kick and got the win.

This match was very short, but I liked the fact that both sides maintained their heel attitude. Naomi and Tamina were the heels throughout the match, but the ending solidified that the Bella's and Alicia were still heel as well. One thing this match unsurprisingly lacked was storyline development, but there's not much of a story anyway. In all honesty, I would have preferred to see Summer Rae vs Emma. I still don't unbderstand why they have to have the Bella's, Alicia, Naomi and Tamina on Smackdown as well as Raw. It would have been nice to see Natalya or Cameron (who we haven't seen in 11 weeks) have a match. I will give this match a score of 6/10.

Thank you for reading.


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