Saturday 4 July 2015

Smackdown: Brie Bella vs Naomi

Smackdown: Brie Bella vs Naomi

Okay, so this week we got Naomi vs Brie Bella on Smackdown. Ugh. This match was so wrong in my opinion. Everything was done badly. It has nothing to do with the in ring work, it was just the whole production of it, I don't understand why Brie was heel and Naomi was face. Of course I get that they're building up to Tamina and Naomi joining 'Team Paige', but does she really have to be babyface? Why can't they just stick with the whole "I hate you, but I hate the Bella's more" thing? She doesn't have to be face. And then you've got Brie, who is shouting 'Brie Mode' during her matches, obviously forgetting she's supposed to be a heel. This girl can not be a heel. She can't do it. Turn the damn Bella's face, because I can not deal with this frustration any more. The actual in ring work was average. Nothing special at all. Bland and boring. I don't get why these matches have to happen on Smackdown. With Nikki, Paige and Tamina in Japan, this match was pointless, and just added to Naomi's collection of losses. Smackdown should be the show for Cameron, Natalya and Emma to have matches. Honestly, I would have loved Summer Rae to have gotten a match. She could have faced Nattie. It would be something different, and it would also establish her pairing with Rusev, if he accompanied her. It's just this lack of effort that gets me down.

The match started with the two briefly locking up, until Brie took control with Naomi's arm. Naomi then went for Brie's hair for a few seconds, until Brie regained control of the arm. Naomi then flipped over Brie's arm, and tackled her to the ground, and left her on the mat after a kick to the face, she then went for the pin attempt and Brie kicked out at one. Naomi then pulled Brie up and began working on her arm, whilst Alicia Fox cheered from ring side. Brie then went for the rope, and backflipped over Naomi's arm, and then slapped her in the face, and then laughed, attempting to act like a heel. Naomi then chased Brie to the outside, and avoided an arm from Alicia, only to be clotheslined by Brie seconds later. Brie threw Naomi back into the ring, and kicked her two times before pulling her to her feet and attempting to throw her into the turnbuckle, only to be countered and ending up in the corner herself. Naomi ran towards Brie to receive an elbow to the face and an impressive missile drop kick. Naomi kicked out at two. Brie then locked in a submission hold, which Naomi managed to escape from quite quickly, leading to Brie receiving a powerful drop kick. Naomi then ran towards Brie and ended up being thrown onto the ropes and receiving a knee to the face, after Brie screeched "Brie Mode" (ugh). Naomi again kicked out at two. Brie then took Naomi to the turnbuckle and smashed her face into it once before turning her around to kick her in the stomach 7 times, only to be pulled away by the ref. She then went for a running bulldog and Naomi once again kicked out at two. Brie then went for a headlock, which Naomi went on to escape with a few punches. Brie then received an awesome 'double footed eat defeat' from Naomi, which left Brie in the corner. Naomi ran towards her again but got flipped over the top rope, but she managed to get the upper hand again with a slap. When she got back into the ring Alicia Fox grabbed her leg, causing a distraction leading to Brie hitting a Bella Buster for the 3 count.

So, as you can probably tell I wasn't a huge fan of this match. It was pointless. It was so pointless, that kayfabe wise, I didn't care who won, but I would have like to see Naomi pick up the win. I will give this match a score of 5/10.

We also got a cute little segment from Summer Rae and Rusev. Who would've thought this pairing would happen? I am really happy that Summer is getting TV time, because she is such a great personality. I loved her part on the mic in this segment and I found Rusev hilarious.

Thank you for reading.


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