Monday 1 June 2015

Diva Freakk Weekly Roundup

Diva Freakk Weekly Roundup

This week hasn't been great for the Divas, and the fact that this was the week running up to, arguably the most important divas match of the year so far, it was shocking. The week began with the sloppy mess that was Tamina vs Paige on Raw. The match was short, lacked chemistry and added nothing to the storyline. The second match of the week was Emma vs Bayley on NXT. This match was a step above the Raw match, however the two women disappointed me, as I've seen them do much better, especially on NXT.  Next there was Summer Rae vs Nikki Bella, which was decent. The timing was a disappointment however the chemistry the two had showed potential, and they both played their roles well. On Smackdown we got Naomi vs Paige, which was also decent. The match was nothing special but was much better than Paige's previous performance. Finally, the PPV. This match had so much potential. So much. I had such high hopes, only to be flattened yet again. This match was short, however timing was not the only issue. Every diva in the match under performed, and the result was disappointing. The match should have gotten 15 minutes, but to no surprise it was under 10. However, this match was my match of the week, as I gave it 7/10, but it was far from PPV standard, and only got that reasonably high score due to the longer length.

Diva Of the Week

Honestly, it's difficult to decipher anyone who did well this week. Almost everyone under performed. I am having trouble deciding between Summer Rae and Naomi. Summer, because she consistently puts on a great show, or Naomi, who in my opinion performed the best at Elimination Chamber.
Due to having more TV time, I'm going to say Naomi is my diva of the week. I hope for a much better week in terms of wrestling this week and I'm hoping for an interesting storyline twist on Raw, hopefully involving Emma or someone fresh.

Thank you for reading.


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