Wednesday 10 June 2015

Raw: Nikki Bella vs Summer Rae

Raw: Nikki Bella vs Summer Rae

On Raw we saw the Divas Champion, Nikki Bella take on Summer Rae. This match is another example of a matchup that could have been a lot better than it actually was. The match was extremely short, made Summer look very weak and didn't show any remarkable skills from either competitor. This did nothing for the storyline, but still threw Summer under the bus, making her loose any credibility she had. I was happy to see both divas get full entrances it was just a shame that it was such a squash match. The match was mainly controlled by Nikki and Summer didn't really get a chance to show what she can do, which has been the same story for her whole career on the main roster. It's so frustrating to see all these talented women being so buried. The only positive thing I can say about this match, is that it carried some sort of storyline. Summer was included in Paige's list of divas that are being held back, and therefore she was (apparently) given a chance to prove herself. This was made more clear by the backstage interview with Nikki and Renee Young. It was nice to see Nikki actually talking, but to say this made her character any more clear would be a lie. Based on the small storyline that built up to this match, it seemed as if Summer was the Babyface and Nikki was the heel. I really don't know where they're going with this whole "there are no heels and babyfaces" thing, but they need to stop.

It may seem like I'm constantly complaining, but all I ask is that we get a decent length match and some sort of storyline development. This match was nothing special at all, and with the lack of time, impressive maneuvers and storyline development I will give it a score of 4/10.

Thank you for reading.


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