Thursday 4 June 2015

NXT: Alexa Bliss vs Carmella

NXT: Alexa Bliss vs Carmella

This match really proved how much potential both of these competitors have. Both may be very new to wrestling, and still show some need for improvement, however the way both of them carried themselves in this match, worked well, developed their characters, and made it entertaining at the same time, really showed that they belong in WWE. Both have also proven that they can play either heel or babyface effectively, which is pretty rare. I've never pictured Carmella as a babyface or Alexa as a heel, but it seems to be working, so, good for them! This match wasn't technically perfected, but included some things main roster matches lack. Time, and character development. They were both trash talking, taunting and getting over with the crowd. I still ask myself daily why Vince McMahon has any creative control whatsoever, and the NXT divas really emphasise the frustration the main roster divas must be feeling. If the newest women in DEVELOPMENTAL are putting on matches like this, imagine what the main roster divas could do.
I'm not going to say this match was amazing, it wasn't. But both of them are relatively new to the ring, and are not expected to perform on such a high level. NXT has really given me hope for the future of the divas division, and in my opinion, the sooner Vince retires the better.

This match didn't show the best in ring work, however unlike any main roster match, characters were shown throughout. Due to the trash talking and story line development, I will give this match 6/10. This in ring work should be more polished, but understandably it's not, due to the lack of experience.

Thank you for reading,


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