Thursday 11 June 2015

NXT: Emma vs Blue Pants, Becky Lynch vs Jessie McKay

NXT: Emma vs Blue Pants, Becky Lynch vs Jessie McKay

On NXT this week we got two divas matches, one of which was Emma vs 'Blue Pants'. It's always nice to see Emma on NXT, as it gives her the opportunity to show her full potential and more importantly, show her new heel persona. This match was nothing particularly special, but is better than any match we would see Emma portray on the main roster. This match had reasonable length, and a good amount of character portrayal from both participants, as 'Blue Pants' is clearly popular with the fans, it gives Emma extra opportunity to gain heel heat and improve her character, ready for its main roster transition, which I am hoping will be impactful and relevant. My hope for Emma this year, is that her heel turn will push her more towards the title picture, and I would love an Emma/Paige feud later in the year, as by this point I would predict Paige having the title. It would make perfect sense, due to their long history in NXT and they could work on the idea that Emma is jealous of Paige's success. Based on Emma's tweets I think this is something they're building up to, perhaps for after Summerslam.

I think this match only took place to give Emma more practise as a heel, and also solidify her heel character. I don't think this match showed anything spectacular from either women, but I will give it 6/10, due to length and character portrayal.

The next match featured Becky Lynch and Jessie McKay. I thought this match was really good considering how new Jessie is. Becky particularly impressed me in this match, and she's proving herself more and more to be championship material. I loved that this match was fast paced, but also included submission holds, and character development. Jessie showed herself to be a good heel and Becky played a great face. However. both matches on this episode seemed to lack storyline development, which isn't surprising, as I don't think there's a live special in a while, meaning the story needs to be played out over a long period of time. I must say that I have really missed seeing Sasha on TV and I think the lack of her presence is felt. It seems as if she's in the transitional phase between NXT and the main roster, along with Charlotte. It seems as if they're slowly fading them both from NXT ready for a main roster debut, which I believe could happen at any time for either of them. I think Sasha will debut before she looses the belt, and I believe she will loose it Becky later in the year.

Overall, this match impressed me a lot, I am going to give it a score of 7/10 due to its fast pace and energy.

Thank you for reading.


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