Friday 19 June 2015

Diva Freakk Weekly Roundup

Diva Freakk Weekly Roundup

I thought this was a pretty good week for the divas. The quality of matches were consistently good and we saw almost the entire divas roster. The week started off with two backstage segments featuring most of the divas. I thought these segments were well thought out and acted, but they served little purpose. The match we got was Paige vs Nikki and Brie Bella, which was an average match. I gave it 7/10. The NXT matches we got were Alexa and Carmella featured in a inter-gender match, and Charlotte vs KC Cassidy. I was particularly impressed with the latter. I gave the first match 6/10 and the second 8/10. making it the match of the week. On Main Event we got Summer Rae vs Naomi, which I thought was another great match. I gave it 7/10. Finally, on Smackdown we got Brie Bella vs Paige which also got a score of 7/10.

5. Charlotte

Charlotte's match on NXT was my best match of the week, however the reason she is not higher up on my list is because her in ring skills are constantly on point, and I wasn't expecting anything less than she gave. Charlotte was featured on this weeks NXT tapings, however it looks as if it will be her last ones. I'm expecting to see Charlotte on the Main Roster very soon.

4. Summer Rae

Summer Rae is my number 4 because she consistently performs well and had one of her best matches this week. I'm really liking the fact that Summer now regularly appears on TV. I'm not sure whether Summer is now a face or a heel, but I like her as either so it doesn't bother me. Summer was also one of the few divas who got to talk in the backstage segment, which helped me decide to put her above Charlotte.

3. KC Cassidy

I was very impressed with KC this week. Her match with Charlotte on NXT was much better than I expected and I also gave it match of the week. For someone so new to the company to out perform the Divas Champion is promising for the future.

2. Alicia Fox

Even though Alicia didn't have a match this week, she provided some much needed storyline development. She is such a bubbly character, and she can add so much to a story to interest the viewers. Her appearance on Smackdown should have happened on Raw, but I'm hoping it will carry on into next week. Alicia was also featured in the backstage segments on Raw, and was one of the few who got to talk, which was a bonus.

1. Paige

Paige, along with Brie Bella had two matches this week. Both matches were decent, but nothing special. The main reason Paige is on my list and Brie isn't, is Brie is such a bad heel. She smiles and interacts with crowd in her entrance and she wrestles like a babyface. They can not keep her heel for much longer. Anyway, back to Paige. I thought Paige did a great job in her backstage segments on Raw, and I keep noticing her adding to her moveset. Every week Paige seems to have the most matches, which tells me that she works very hard.

Overall, I think this was a great week for the divas. Next week I'm hoping there will more storyline development.

Thank you for reading.


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