Tuesday 16 June 2015

Raw: Paige vs Nikki and Brie Bella

Raw: Paige vs Nikki and Brie Bella

Does anyone care? Really? Anyone? I have so little motivation to even comment on this match. What more is there to squeeze out of this feud? I feel like they have no idea what they want to do and are just keeping the title around the two divas they have most faith in. After last nights title match it was clear that this feud wasn't over, however almost the entire divas roster being present made me believe something fresh would happen. I was wrong, as I always am. Us diva fans always read into things too much, and we work ourselves up for more disappointment. Every week I have positive thoughts of what I think will happen on Raw, and every week I am left with nothing. The divas division is going downhill at a fast pace, and it's such a shame. This match had a good amount of time, which made it even more frustrating. They could have had a nice battle royal, or number one contenders match, but they still insist on giving us these stale match ups. Yes, I know that they haven't done a handicap match before, but it really makes no difference. There are other girls, literally backstage. Backstage doing nothing. The majority of diva fans would prefer to see these divas. I really liked the backstage segments. But what was the point in them? I was genuinely expecting someone to help Paige. Usually, I am disappointed with the division, but this was more than disappointment. Like, WHAT. It was a no brainer. I didn't doubt it would happen for a second. I don't understand. I really don't. It's as if they can't see what's right in front of them. It doesn't even take someone with creativity to come up with something so simple. It's just plain and simple lack of effort, and frankly, I'm sick of it and have just about reached my limits of how much I can take of this generic, bland 'feud', that consists of nothing but relentless attempts to make people care about Paige. I'm so over it. As for the match itself, it was good. It had a decent amount of time and consisted of nice manoeuvres and chemistry. 

This match was bland, generic, pointless and predictable, but nevertheless, it was well done. These women have more than proven themselves over the last few weeks and have really shown that they are two of the best in the division. I will give this match 7/10 due to the large amount of time they got.

Thank you for reading.


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