Monday 15 June 2015

Money In The Bank: Paige vs Nikki Bella (C)

Money In The Bank: Paige vs Nikki Bella (C)

This is the sort of match I would like to see every PPV. It was long, had good story telling and kept the audience interested. It is common knowledge that this feud isn't great, and most people want it to end, but there is nothing negative anyone can say about the standard of this match. The match lasted around 12 minutes, which is longer than the average divas PPV match, and is certainly longer than the Elimination Chamber match, which confused me. Why was the one on one match given 12 minutes, and a triple threat was given less than 10? It doesn't make sense, because surely 3 women need more time to successfully perform than two women. I would say this is the best divas PPV match of the year so far, and I would say that it also topped any other match these two have had, however the ending caused some controversy. Personally, I didn't see a problem with the ending of the match, but a lot of people were complaining about it. The only thing the ending confirmed for me, is that Paige will get another title shot, probably on Raw tomorrow, and due to the remainder of the divas roster being shown at the PPV, it looks as if it will be a lumberjill match. To me, it looks like they definitely want Paige to win the title from Nikki, but they also want Nikki to surpass AJ's reign. If they are certain they want Paige to be the next divas champion, they need to get her out of the title picture until after Summerslam and bring her back into it. This will make her become less stale, and also improve the state of the overall division. I really liked the character developments throughout this match, but I think we still need real confirmation of who Nikki is. We don't really know why she is suddenly heel again, and it is taking away from the already flattened story line. 

Overall, I thought this match was really good. Much better than anyone expected. This would be a good note to end this feud on, however I think it's far from over. I'm expecting Paige to get another title shot on Raw tonight or at Battleground, but I'm not expecting her to win it any time soon. The division NEEDS a new challenger desperately, because at this point, not even the diva fans care. I'm certainly not taking anything away from last nights match, it was great, but no one to see anymore matches between these two. I will give this match a score of 9/10. I was extremely impressed.

Thank you for reading.


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